# Changelog

Web Robots Scraper – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-robots-scraper/pmagfjeddlknbohojnepcplpgjlincak?hl=en

## [2020.09.29]

### Fixed
– fastnext() failing bug in some special cases
– retry event bug after robot finished

### Changed
– better fastnext() performance
– TAG length changed to 20 characters
– updated 3rd party libraries: momentJS, XLSX

### Added
– blockImages(), allowImages() functionality
– closeSocket() functionality
– “Allow images” button to rescue browser when it is left in block images state
– “fastnext() now reports error codes in snapshots
– robot editor setting changes are preserved for the next session

## [2019.3.8]

### Fixed
– fastnext() bug where failed step could cause subsequent steps to fail.

### Changed
– improved clearCookies() to clear window.localStorage and window.sessionStorage

### Added
– UI support for testing robots with TAGs

## [2018.10.31]

### Fixed
– Bugfix in retry handling on user desktop.

### Changed
– Run Log saving rules. All robots will save critical run log messages (WARN, ERROR, FAIL).

## [2018.10.19]

### Added
– fastnext() function, which works faster than next(). Suitable for pages that have all data in HTML (no dynamic content). fastnext() performs an Ajax request to fetch HTML then performs the specified step on retrieved HTML context. Parameters are the same as in next().

### Changed
– wait() now can wait for multiple selectors. Selectors must be placed in array. Example: wait([“one selector”, “second selector”], 3000)
– next() can take an array of steps. This is useful to when doing thousands of next() statements at once. Example: next([ {url: “”, step: “”, params: {} }, {}, … ])

var vfn = $(“a.product”).map((i,v) => {
return {url:v.href,step:”prod”}


### Removed
– Run logs are not saved to portal, even if logging is set to true. Run logs are replaced by Snapshots for better debugging.